T : (0504) 44208 E : info@premierpaving.ie Blackcastle, Two-Mile-Borris, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

Natural Stone Paving

We offer European & Far Eastern Sourced Natural stone products like granite setts, porphyry, granite flags, limestone, slate, sandstone flags, granite and sandstone cladding.

Tipperary Paving Centre Z Stone Granite & Sandstone Cladding photo

Z Stone Granite & Sandstone Cladding

Brings a different dimension to facing bricks or concrete blocks. Used to dress buildings and other vertical structures.

Tipperary Paving Centre Granite Flags photo

Granite Flags

From off whites and silvers to black, reds, blues and greens the choice of colour in granite is endless. Available in a variety of size and finish such as flamed, fine picked, honed, polished, sawn.

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Hard limestone is an elegant finish for every patio. With striking tones such as whites, beiges blues and browns. Limestone creates a tough yet refined surface that appeals to all construction application wishing to blend durability with style.

Tipperary Paving Centre Wicklow Granite Setts hoto

Wicklow Granite Setts

Small paving formats used to feature big and small areas. Can be laid in all types of patterns and design.

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Beautiful – polished finish look. Will bright up every patio area. Available in many sizes.